Who has done more for humanity, Mother Theresa or Bill Gates? Most people, conservatives and liberals alike, would say that Mother Theresa has done far more for the planet. However, from a pure numbers standpoint, this isn’t true. Bill Gates not only provided millions of stable jobs for people, but he also provided technology that has helped cut poverty and starvation down by half since 1990 . His technology has led to the exponentially growing advances that are currently taking place in medicine, food production, research and many other aspects that we benefit from. These advances have helped billions of people around the world.
Yet, most people want to think that Mother Theresa was better for the world because her motivation for her actions was to help people, while Bill Gates’s motivation was to make money. Today’s left have become masters at utilizing that very flaw in mankind’s thinking process.
People tend to side with those of whom they believe have good intentions, regardless if the outcome of their intentions ever comes into fruition. Look at Bernie Sander’s free college offer as an example. There’s no way that the US can fiscally pay for everyone who wants to go to college. They would end up like Germany, where only a select few get to go while the rest of the population funds it. Despite these facts, people still support him because he has good intentions.
Another example occurred during the 2012 election. A majority of Americans picked Barrack Obama over Mitt Romney, despite Barrack Obama’s clear inadequacies in his first term. This was because Mitt Romney painted the former President as a well-intentioned person who had bad policies, while Barrack Obama portrayed Mitt as a greedy sociopath who wanted to be President to help out his rich friends.
President Obama’s depiction of Mitt Romney was obviously grossly inaccurate and slanderous but honestly, it worked. The discussion shifted from Obama’s baffled policies, including Obamacare, his Benghazi and fast and furious scandal, and his terrible economic recovery, to Gov. Romney having to convince people that his motivations were pure.
The left can avoid talking about their failures while simultaneously thwarting any proposed policies of conservatives, by simply criticizing the motivations and intentions of their opponents. When conservatives try to bring up welfare reform, the left will argue that the right isn’t really concerned about the terrible affects the current welfare system has on the US, but just simply hate the poor and want them to suffer. If a conservative brings up the failings of socialized medicine, or the evils of socialism, it’s not that they want what’s best for the US, it’s that they only want more money for themselves. This ranges from tax reform, affirmative action, to the ever-expanding government.
Motivation over outcome is the only reason that the argument between socialism and capitalism still exist. From a purely historical viewpoint, it’s not even close. Socialism has only led to dictatorship, mass murder, poverty, and starvation. Conversely, capitalism has led to giant reductions in poverty, all the major advances of technology and quality of life, and provided people with the freedom never before seen by mankind. This experiment has been done over and over again and has always yielded same results. Yet, socialism remains relevant because progressives claim that the motivation of socialism/communism is to selflessly help mankind and that the motivation for capitalism is to selfishly help yourself.
People need to realize that capitalism has done much more for the world because motives don’t matter, just the outcomes. What I mean is that the only way people are going to get what they want, is by doing what the market dictates. Let’s look at a cure for cancer as an example. Does it really matter if the drug company that cures cancer only did so because they wanted more money? No! They cured cancer for God’s sake. Or how about Uber’s profit motive? Does it really matter that they want to make money if they are revolutionizing the transportation business at a cheap price?
Regardless if people are motivated by greed or by true compassion, they can only achieve what they want by producing something that the public wants. This is why most of the modern technology, advances in medicine, and improvement in life have come from the west. It’s because people found ways to attain money by providing services to others. Remember, it’s only the government can take something from you without providing anything in return. Ben Shapiro once famously said, “capitalism is consensual sex while socialism is rape.” The truth is, no one should care what the motivations of their doctor, employer, insurance provider, or any other companies are, as long as they are catering to each and everyone’s own needs.
However, it is understandable why people fall for the emotional argument. Truthfully, most people want the doctor who saves you because he/she cares, instead of the doctor who saves you because doctors make a lot of money. Nonetheless, if people want the west to keep driving us into the future, they have to set emotions aside and truly look at what works and what doesn’t.
No one can know the motivation of another individual and it’s completely arrogant to assume someone’s reasoning behind anything they do. People should be judged on actions and outcomes, not intentions or motivations.
In order to combat these false accusation of evil motives, one must respond with a single retort. When accused with racism or sexism because of a proposed policy, one must respond with, “you have no idea what my motivations are, you arrogant moron! Instead of trying to guess my motivation, why don’t you argue what policies I’m proposing and the outcomes that you believe will come of it?”
Forcing the left to argue their policies and the effects of them is the only way we can compete with the left. The reason is because we can never win an argument of emotions vs. facts.
I’d invite everyone reading this to take a deep look at each policy they support and oppose, and try and disregard what they believe are intentions of the person, who proposed the policy are. If you’re able to do that, maybe you can actually make an accurate assessment of what works and doesn’t. If we don’t change our current trajectory, and we continue to choose our policies based on emotions over truth, then we will continue to move closer and closer to dictatorship and slavery.