During a press briefing on Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized former Secretary of State John Kerry for Kerry’s diplomatic engagement with Iran, stating, “Actively undermining US policy, as a former secretary of state, is literally unheard of.” Pompeo said that while he’ll leave judgments of the legality of Kerry’s conduct to others, “what Secretary Kerry has done is unseemly and unprecedented. This is a former secretary of state engaged with the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. And according to him, right, you don’t have to take my word for it, he — these are his answers, he was talking to them. He was telling them to wait out this administration. You can’t find precedent for this in US history, and Secretary ought not to — Secretary Kerry ought not to engage in that kind of behavior. It’s inconsistent with what foreign policy of the United States is, as directed by this president, and it is beyond inappropriate for him to be engaged in this.” He added, “Actively undermining US policy, as a former secretary of state, is literally unheard of.” (h/t WFB) Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett