No, I’m not a magician. And no, I don’t have any cards up my sleeve
But I can see one trick happening before our countries eyes. With Election Day nearing, we need to decide what direction we want to steer our proverbial car. As fun as the debates have been to watch, have you listened? Have you heard and checked what our candidates have said?
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the phrase these past months “it’s only about choosing who you hate less.” Is it hard to believe that I don’t believe that and could see Trump steering us down the right fork in the road? Is it so hard to believe that I think a man who knows business….and dare I say it…. Could start to beat our climbing national debt?
Yes, I know he is not friends with Putin and Russia, but would it be so bad to make some new friends? Whatever it takes, and whoever it takes to befriend to take down radicals would be a large plus in my book.
I just ask myself one question. What would a good businessman do? Make good deals and PROFIT. That’s one of my favorite words. PROFIT. Restructuring past deals and constructing better future ones is something I would to see this country do. I saw Trump’s new healthcare plan and I must say I was impressed. We will need to see an implementation of this but again, a step in the right direction.
With election day, finally upon us, we all hear “Get out and vote. Let your voice be heard.” However please, do not show up to the polls uneducated on the topics and cast a vote because you have a dislike for either of the candidates. The only way we move forward is by becoming more educated on the topics that have troubled our nation for so many years.
I have paid more attention this election season than any other time I can remember. If you can say the same, I hope to see you at the polls. Happy voting!