For years, I couldn’t possibly fathom how someone could actually think that big government ideologies can work. The record is perfectly clear, socialism and communism have failed time and time again. They didn’t just fail in the sense that they some bad economic issues. 99% have crashed and burned in such dramatic fashion, that it led to tyranny, oppression, mass murder, starvation, and human rights violations that rival any other time in the history of man.
On the flipside of the coin, there also isn’t any question that capitalism and free markets have worked extremely well. At no other time in history has innovation, freedom, human rights, and luxuries exponentially increased as they have since the United States inception. And yes, in this case, correlation does mean causation as the items previously mentioned have almost exclusively come from the United States. In less than 250 years the United States has taken the world from a rural society where only a small percentage of your children lived past the age of 5, to the ability to access anyone or any information on an item that you can carry in your pocket. We went from horse and buggy to landing on the moon and electric cars. It has all come from the United States and specifically from a system that not only breeds innovation, but has provided the greatest freedoms that most people in history could only dream of.
Hell, we’ve even had a clear-cut experiment in Germany after World War II. There was a wall built right down the center of Berlin where a homogenous population, starting at the same point, was divided up. The east side practiced Stalinist socialism and the west side practiced capitalism and small government. In 40 years, the east and west worlds were vastly different. On the east side, it was a hellish place where there were no freedoms and scarce basic necessities. The west side prospered and was exponentially more free and not only had a plethora of necessities, but vast luxuries as well.
Again, with all this evidence, how could one still believe that big government can work? Why do people keep believing that this time socialism will work?
Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is trying something over and over again and expecting different results. However, I don’t believe that leftists are insane. I believe that the single greatest reason that they keep wanting to try these socialism and communism. It’s because they’re arrogant.
Only someone as arrogant as a socialist can truly believe that if you just give them all the power and money to redistribute as they see fit, the world would be a better place. They believe that their big government could do better than a free capitalistic system where millions upon millions of transactions are committed every day.
Often, you’ll hear the common response of leftist, “this time socialism will be different”. I then wonder, “why do you think that you are somehow smarter and can implement a system that is better than the past. Do you think that the people of Nazi Germany were idiots and weren’t able to stop Hitler because they were stupid? Why do you think that you’re smarter than the people of North Korea who who couldn’t stop their socialism from turning into a tyranny?”
It’s this type of arrogance that allows the moron Bernie Sanders to believe that if you give him power, he will make the world a better place. He believes that somehow, he could invent a better system than the one that brought you computers, phones, cars, medicines etc.
You can hear this extreme superiority from your average college liberal arts major. These people haven’t had any life experience nor proven themselves in anyway, but they have no problem lecturing accomplished older people on how to live their lives. They believe that mankind has gotten it wrong in every single way and now that they’re here, they can set society straight. It’s also truly astounding to me that a college professor, who has a doctorate in feminist dance theory, can lecture on economics to their students.
I’m not saying that you should always listen to everything you hear and never to fix any part of America. But tweaking a system and making little corrections is not the same as breaking down everything and rebuilding a-new, which is what liberals want.
The reason that I wrote this article is because I’m trying to explain to people that it’s only this type of arrogance that will lead someone to violent acts against political opponents. These basement-dwelling amoebas think so highly of themselves, that they believe that hurting and silencing people is ok, because the world will be so much better if they have power. In their sick and twisted minds, hurting someone who doesn’t believe what you do is compassionate because they are eliminating the obstacles between them and utopia. They believe their god-like divinity supersedes any human rights. They think that it is an act of kindness to hurt others because they are hurting to help.
Leftist needs to realize that their ignorance and arrogance is going to lead to the enslavement of the American people. People on the right need to realize that when leftist think this highly of themselves, they can rationalize any evil act as an act of compassion. They need to realize that there will be no more civility until either the left is beaten back to their senses or they win and we end up like Venezuela or North Korea.
Remember, all the most violent leftist dictators rationalized their evil as an act of compassion. They looked down on their opponents as evil, vile scum and had no problem with disposing of them. They slept at night because they thought they were better than everyone. They became god-like to themselves because of their narcissism and fake-belief in their superior intellect and in turn, they lead their countries into hell.
Leftist believing that they can solve the world problems if they just had enough power is the very reason that the 2nd commandment, thou shalt have no other gods before me, exist. Once someone believes themselves to be better than man, everything that they have power over turns into hell.