How many terrorist attacks have been prevented because some politician or celebrity said “It’s not all Muslims”? How many terrorist have put down their weapons and embraced western values because liberals say “Muslims are peaceful” after each terrorist attack. The truth is, these one-liners have stopped zero attacks. However, despite a sharp increase in terrorist attacks under Obama’s Islamic lenient policies, liberals still believe that the only way to defend against these terrorist attacks is to appease and never criticize anything about Islam.
First off, it’s obvious that majority of Muslims aren’t terrorist and are peaceful people. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem with Islamic terrorism or that we shouldn’t try and understand why nearly all major terrorist attacks come from Islam. It also doesn’t mean that we can’t look under the hood of Islamic countries and try to infer why all of them are among the lowest in human rights and treatment of people.
The left believes that Isis will just decide to stop their jihad because they’ll realize that the west is tolerant and loving. My question to liberals is, “when has that ever worked?” Do they recall that terrorist drove planes into the world trade center on September 11, 2001 and it was completely unprovoked? (Before you try and bring up the Gulf War remember that it is doubtful that the hijackers from Saudia Arabia and Egypt were upset with Americans for protecting Muslims in Kuwait from Muslims in Iraq)
From a young age, most people learn that a bully will seek someone out and never stop until they are forced to stop. The bully is being irrationally mean to you and if you are nice to them it’s not going to garner any respect, it just makes you look weak and easier to pick on.
In history, this has been proven time and time again. Austria, France, and other European countries tried to appease Adolph Hitler when he was bullying them and look how that turned out. The Jews believed that if they kept doing what Adolph Hitler said, he would leave them alone. Bill Clinton and George Bush didn’t confront Kim Jung Ew when he sought nuclear weapons and tried to appease him and North Korea now has nuclear weapons. Iran, the number one sponsor of terror, will soon have nuclear weapons because of Barrack Obama’s appeasement and refusal to confront them as they bullied him into an awful plan.
Since the history of man, no bully has ever decided to stop their bullying because of the kindness of their victim. Yet liberals believe that if you don’t rile anyone up and you just do what they say, it will go away.
I agreed with liberals when leftist said that you shouldn’t blame a woman for being raped if she dresses provocatively and is drunk. However, it was very hypocritical when those same leftists said that Charlie Hebdo shouldn’t have printed the pictures of Muhammed if they didn’t want to suffer the consequences. Instead of criticizing the attacker and saying that no one should ever be attacked for speech, the left appeased the bully.
It’s frankly sort of demeaning to Muslims when the left believes that any criticism of Islam will turn average Muslims into savage terrorist. It seems that leftist believe that a lot of members of Islam are terrorist just waiting for the slightest provocation to set them over the edge.
The truth is that a lot of places and cultures around the world are never going to like us, no matter what we do. The reason that Islamic terror has risen is because, under Obama, Islam is free from any criticism or attacks and the terrorist have lost respect for their opponent.
If the United States wants to be safer, the goal should not be to be liked but to be respected. The reason that Islamic terrorist were virtually non-existence up until the 1970’s is not because the terrorist liked the west. It’s because they feared the west and respected their power.
This article is by no means a call to go hurt innocent Muslims or even for a Muslim ban here in the US. It is a call to honestly discuss Islamic terrorism truthfully and come up with a rational plan to stop it.
Donald Trump’s plan is doing just that. It’s not perfect but all he did is temporarily stop immigration from countries with extreme terrorism. He still wants to protect the refugees in their homeland, but he doesn’t want to risk US citizens lives nor burden our taxpayer by having them here.
So why are liberals protesting this plan? Also, if they hate these plans so much, what is there plan to combat the ever-increasing terrorism that is occurring both here and in Europe? Because their plan of appeasing the terrorist and refusal to criticize Islam out of fear or retribution has been an absolute travesty. These calls for peace have not worked and lefties need to come up with an actual plan to stop Islamic terrorism or the right will continue to win.