Category: Blogspot
When Government Becomes God
As Venezuela, the once progressive darling, falls further and further down into poverty and tyranny, the left has answered with their typical responses. “That wasn’t…
Why the Distractions of Statues, Russians and Nazi’s are Killing the Conservative Cause
After what happened last week in Charlottsville, the Donald Trump Russian collusion story seems like a distant memory. The current battle being waged is whether…
Why the Progressive, “Divide and Conquer” Strategy Caused the Attack in Charlottesville and Why It Will Only Get Worse
When asking how about race relations in the United States, you may hear a response like, “it hasn’t been this bad since the 70’s.” I…
The Terrible Consequences of Leftist Ideology and Why It’s Your Moral Obligation to Point Them Out
Last week the socialist country, Venezuela, entered into the final stage of the leftist utopia, when they made the transition from oppressive government to full…
Why the Left Prefers Collectivism Compared to Individualism
Collectivism is the principle or practice in where the group takes priority over the individual. Basically, under collectivism, if the group or collective could benefit…
Why the Left Wants to Force Everyone to Subscribe to Their Ideology
In the United States, a decentralized government gives the states the power to govern as each one sees fit. This, of course, is in opposition…
Why is it a Gamble to Take America as an Ally?
Japan and South Korea are the quintessential stories to use when trying to explain what happens to countries that choose to align with the US…
The Lefts Refusal to Hear the Truth
“Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda,” is a book based on true accounts of the Rwandan genocides, from some of the actual killers’ perspectives. In…
The Rise of Groupthink and Conformity in Western Society
In the month of June, gay pride parades across the United states transformed from celebrating homosexuality, to a Donald Trump and anyone that supports him,…
How Much Should You Sacrifice for Peace?
The progressive movement has always made the claim that they are the movement of peace. Despite the American democratic party’s violent political history, ranging from…
It’s Evil to Force Your Beliefs Onto Others
A common question asked of Christians, that align politically on the right is, “how can you be a Christian and be conservative?” The line of…
Why Islam Shatters the Progressive Worldview
Every time there is another disgusting Islamic terror attack on innocent people, the regressive left feels the need to immediately jump to Islam’s defense. They…
Why is Behavior that Leads to Failure, Consistently Pushed by the Left?
Notorious American conservative, Ben Shapiro, has said on numerous occasions, that anyone can be successful in America if you do three things: Graduate high school,…
The Tactic of Attacking the Person Instead of the Argument
“You think that the US shouldn’t take in Syrian refugees because you just hate people that don’t look like you,” the young liberal (still dependent…
Why Leftist Are Drawn to Victimhood
In the leftist world, your nobility and ranking is solely determined by how “oppressed” you are. To them, the validity of a viewpoint is not…
Why Don’t the Leftist Solutions to Problems Ever Work?
The left’s solution to every problem, it seems, is more government. Also, it appears that the left’s solutions to any issue, never seems to fix…
Can Anyone Become Evil?
Dennis Prager believes that the single greatest difference between conservatives and liberals is that liberals believe that people are basically good, while conservatives believe that…
Arrogance Breeds Tyranny
For years, I couldn’t possibly fathom how someone could actually think that big government ideologies can work. The record is perfectly clear, socialism and communism…
The Soft Bigotry of Lowered Expectations
After another slew of Islamic terrorist attacks this Palm Sunday weekend, one can expect the same liberal rhetoric to protect Islam from having their feelings…
What Happens When Policy is Based on Worldview Over Facts
Thomas Sowell once said, “Life does not ask what we want. It presents us with options.” However, when liberals are filling out the multiple-choice answers…
Why Liberal’s Self Righteousness Leads to the Justification of Heinous Acts
As stated in last week’s piece “Who is the Perfect Progressive?”, the irony of someone advocating to commit violent acts against people who they deem,…
Who is the Perfect Progressive?
AntiMSM went on a mission to try and figure out what policies and personality traits would the ideal progressive/liberal candidate exhibit. We surveyed both baby…
The Left’s Infatuation With the America’s Vices and Blind Spot for It’s Virtues
Earlier this week, there was a tweet made by an illegal immigrant girl that stated, “Valedictorian, 4.5 GPA, full tuition paid for at UT, 13…
The Left Never Suffers the Consequences of Their Demands
You’ll hear people on the left, particularly celebrities, say things like, “I don’t want to live in a country that won’t accept refugees” or “a…
Why the Left and Right Fence Won’t Be Mended for a Long Time
I believe most people will agree that in the year 2017, the chasm between the right and left political parties has never been wider. No…
Sometimes War is the Most Moral Action You Can Take
Most children, under the age of 5, are taught to never hit anyone under any circumstances. That statement offers no wiggle room for any reason…
Bullies Will Never Respect Appeasers
How many terrorist attacks have been prevented because some politician or celebrity said “It’s not all Muslims”? How many terrorist have put down their weapons…
Where Will the Left Go Next?
The short lived “fake news” saga came to an abrupt end after the CNN golden shower fiasco revealed that the left is actually much bigger…
Americas Black Violence Problem
Note: Please read this whole piece before commenting. It is not a hate piece, which you will see if you read it through. Trying to…
The Other Side is Full of Idiots
Most people are guilty of the crime of automatically discounting another person’s idea because of who they identify with, without actually listening to the idea…
Hitting Someone That Won’t Fight Back Is Not Brave
When militant feminist proudly proclaim that they are fighting the patriarchy by scolding men who are “manspreading”, which is sitting with too wide of a…
The Left’s Desperate Attempt to Become the Gatekeepers of News Again
When I heard the desperate cries of leftist ranting about fake news being the reason they lost the election, I was stunned. How could the…
The Myths That Keep on Giving
If you decide to tune in to the outside world, through reading the news, watching T.V., or listening to the radio, you will be constantly…
Is Religious Morality Needed for a Free Society to Function?
Whenever there is a terrorist attack, honor killing, or some other form of Islamic extremism, I here from leftist “ban all religion” or “religion is…
Is There Any Benefit for Americans for Accepting Refugees?
In the past, American citizens used to vote for other American citizens to represent them in the form of government officials. These representatives would then…
The Impending Student Loan Crisis
Every year college tuition increases at a rate much greater than that of inflation or wages. Graduates every year are facing insurmountable debt and can’t…
Why Every Conservative Should Read Saul Alinsky’s Book, “Rules for Radicals”
If you were a football coach and you had an opposing coach’s playbook, would you use it? What about if the opposing coach flaunted the…
White Knights and the Rise of the Democratic party
Has anyone else ever noticed the extreme arrogance and hypocrisy when some guilty white liberal, while defending some minority, says, “You don’t know what their…
Why Socialism and Communism Inevitably Leads to Dictatorship
Socialism failed in the past because they didn’t have the right people, right? Wrong, socialism and communism have and always will have the same outcomes….
Trump Wins: We Can’t Be like Democrats and Defend Indiscriminately
The impossible has happened and the evil empire has been defeated. It’s time to celebrate and do whatever we want, right? Absolutely not. If Donald…
The Fight Does Not End Today
In the next few weeks’ things will normalize. Your Facebook and twitter will be filled with less politics and more cat videos. People that didn’t…
Ace Up Our Sleeve
No, I’m not a magician. And no, I don’t have any cards up my sleeve But I can see one trick happening before our countries…
Unquestionable Allegiance Takes Away Your Credibility
The BLM movement, Hillary supporters, Bernie supporters, the main stream media, and even some Trump supporters have major issues that makes it hard for them…
Easy Fixes: Why Doesn’t the Left Consider Easy Solutions
The left always has a million problems. Problems that they believe only their lord and savior, the government, can save. They have millions of issues…
Everything the Left Does Is a Grab for Power
In an earlier written piece, I pointed out my observation of how leftist don’t have any principles. I said they’ll follow whatever the left establishment…
If You’re Uninformed Don’t Vote
Leonardo DiCaprio, Puff Daddy, or Paris Hilton do the American public a real disservice when they show up on people’s television screen and tell the…
Capitalism vs. Racism and Sexism
“Those corporate money hungry jerks are racist and sexist!” In one way or another, you’ve heard leftist say how capitalist and republicans are greedy, racist,…
Starting a Conversation Does Nothing
Starting a Conversation Does Nothing By James Matthew People support Collin Kaepernick, the back-up quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, when he kneels for the…
If Celebrities Practiced What They Preached
“We need to come together and take a stand for something,” said every dimwitted, narcissistic, self-congratulating celebrity ever. Entertainers constantly flood my newsfeeds, televisions, and…
Who Do Democrats Want?
What Do Democrats Want? By James Matthew If true conservatives received everything they wanted, what would the country look like? Being a conservative, I can…