After what happened last week in Charlottsville, the Donald Trump Russian collusion story seems like a distant memory. The current battle being waged is whether or not we should take down confederate statues. Also, branching off of the statue argument, other arguments have formed. Some of which are, “should we censor hate speech?” or, “is Donald Trump a Nazi/KKK sympathizer?” Another argument is, “is Antifa a terrorist organization or not?
The left once considered the Russian collusion story to be one of the biggest of the century, yet now they rarely speak of it. Why? Is it because the Confederate statue argument is more important? Probably not. Is it because they believe that they have won the battle and no longer need to focus on the Russia? Certainly not.
Progressives moved on from the Russian narrative because of the Saul Alinsky tactics number #7 and #8. Number #7 is, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don’t become old news.” Number #8 reads “keep the pressure on. Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters on approach, hit them from the flank with something new.”
Basically, what happened was the Russian collusion story was getting stale and the left started to lose ground on that front. People were getting bored of it, and the useful idiots were no longer as motivated to fight the conservatives on this particular issue. In turn, the progressives switched the narrative to a new topic, which motivated the left’s base and lead an emotional charge to go out and fight. The right responded exactly how the left wanted them to. They ate the narrative up and now on both conservative and progressive media, the main topic of discussion is whether or not we should remove 100-year-old statues.
After seeing the shift, one should quickly come to the realization that the left really never cared about the Russian collusion story. They just had to create a narrative that would motivate their support base to go out and fight the right.
One has to wonder, “why does the left want to fight these fights, if they don’t really care about them?” To understand why, you have to understand what the modern day left really wants. What progressives want is power. They want power because they believe that if they could control the economy, what people think, and how people act, then the long-awaited heaven on earth will form. They ignorantly and arrogantly think that they can perfect an imperfect world by playing God, which will remove suffering and inequality. They believe that if people would just act and think like the elites, then everything will be perfect.
Now that you know what the left is trying to achieve, you might be able to understand what’s at play when the left creates these narratives. The false narratives can work whether or not the democrats are in control of the government or not. When they are in power, like when Barrack Obama was President, the narratives that dominate the news provide a distraction for the conservatives to fight, so they can keep pushing their other agendas. This is similar to the tactic magicians use, which is to distract you with one hand, while the other one performs the trick, unnoticed. While conservatives were distracted transgender bathrooms, the complete collapse of Obamacare was able to avoid much of the scrutiny it deserved.
When the left isn’t in power, like with current President Donald Trump, it provides a distraction from conservatives achieving their objectives. Donald Trump can’t focus on how he can lower the debt, or get rid of Obamacare, when he’s being forced to address such pointless issues such as confederate statues.
No one should blame the progressives for these tactics because by now most people understand what they are doing. Saul Alinksy’s book came out over 40 years ago, yet conservatives have not been able to fend off the onslaught of these narratives. Whether it’s transgender bathrooms, fake claims of police officer racism, fake news, or Russian collusion, conservatives have taken the bait. Conservatives need to figure out how to quell this brilliant tactic or they will suffer a death by a thousand pricks.
I’ve come up with a couple of tactics that I believe could at slow down the progressive attack. First, conservatives need to identify when progressives are using these tactics and point it out to the public. When a narrative like the statues discussion explodes, the right needs to point out that they are just trying to move off the old narrative, like Russian collusion, because it’s growing stale. They need to point out that these issues are not as important as the national debt, the growing federal government, terrorism, and the threat of North Korea and Iran using nuclear weapons.
Secondly, the right needs to go on the offensive. No, not by using fake narratives like the left. What I mean is we should do a better job of pushing real narratives that the left has trouble addressing. We should push true and important narratives like Obamacare failures, the fall of progressive sweetheart Venezuela, and the Iran nuclear crisis. We shouldn’t bother addressing their stupid arguments when we real pertinent arguments. We also have to defend our positions while the left attacks. Constantly conservatives are playing defense when it comes to the accusations and media frenzies, stirred up by the left. Once in a while you can score on defense, like when the fake news or Russian collusion plots came out. Ultimately, however, conservatives will lose if they don’t utilize an offense.
It’s unknown whether these tactics will quell the progressives use of Saul Alinsky’s ingenious tactics. But something needs to be done, because conservatives are constantly being pushed around and seem to always caught off guard by every new narrative the left has come up with. These attacks will only become crazier and more unreasonable because if they aren’t, then the right won’t feel the need to try and fight back.
Conservatives needs to acknowledge these tactics and progressives need to realize they’re being used. Otherwise, the left will achieve their goal of power over everyone. Once they do, instead of heaven, we’ll see hell brought down to us by people that believe they knew what’s best for us.