Why Don’t the Leftist Solutions to Problems Ever Work?

The left’s solution to every problem, it seems, is more government. Also, it appears that the left’s solutions to any issue, never seems to fix the problem. In fact, most of the time, it ends up making the problem worse. Here I’m going to name some problems, the left’s solutions, and the subsequent outcomes of these solution.

  • High violence-The left’s solution was and is to take away guns or at least heavily regulate them. In all places that gun regulations were high, like Chicago or Washington, homicide and violent crime increased.
  • Education– In order to get more people into college, leftist demanded more subsidies for students and demanded that banks provide a loan for every college student. The outcome was that college tuition soared, as did the student debt crisis.
  • Housing– Bill Clinton (leftist/rapist) heavily pushed for banks to give subprime mortgages so more people can buy houses. This caused housing prices to soar until the crash of 2009.
  • Subsidies– Welfare, medicaid, and social security were all supposed to be safety nets to help people in times of need. However, today the welfare state keeps growing, social security is underfunded, and medicaid is awful. These three policies take up the majority of the US’s budget and we still will inevitably fail in the end.
  • Long wars– you can debate until your blue in the face about whether the United States should have gone to war in Iraq or Vietnam. However, there isn’t much debate about what happens when you leave a country after you are already are in the wars. The left’s solution was to cut and run, which in both cases, lead to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and to the rise of ISIS in today’s middles east.


Ranging from affirmative action, subsidizing single mothers, to heavy regulations and taxes that cripple our society, the left never seems to get it right. I can’t think of one beneficial policy or regulation that has or will actually benefit our civilization.

So why? Why does it seem that everything the left touches turns to ash? Surely if they are truly trying to help society, which I think they are, shouldn’t they be right at least some of the time? The answer is absolutely not, and I’ve come up with two reasons.

First and foremost, progressives proposed answers to problems are never well thought out and they refuse to look at the negative consequences of their policies. I have a rule of thumb, when it comes to policy: if you can’t think of any negative consequences for your policy, then you haven’t thought it out very well.

I’ll give an example: Black people in this country were enslaved and then legally discriminated against, up until the 1960’s. Because of that, in the 70’s and 80’s blacks were not going to college at the same rate as whites. The left’s solution was to just put black people in colleges that they were not qualified for. It was so simple that they overlooked the fact that blacks were unable to compete at the same level as white people, because they didn’t have the proper education before entering into college. Subsequently, the drop-out rate rose and the problem has been enhanced today.

Another example is mass immigration into Europe from Islamic countries. It was believed that once the Muslims entered, they will adapt to European ways of life and everyone will be happy. What they got was drastically increased terrorism, violence, rape and a society that leaches of the Europeans and offers nothing in return.

Both of my examples are proof that most of the solutions proposed by the left are lazy thinking by people who don’t have anything to lose if they’re wrong.

The other reason that the left’s policies always fail is because they are in constant search of a perfect solution, that has no downside.

Thomas Sowell once said, “there are no solutions, there are only trade-offs.” I believe that what he meant by that statement was that, problems are never solved 100%, however there are alternatives that have less negative consequences. For instance, capitalism isn’t perfect but it is much better and has much less negative ramifications than socialism or communism.

Democrats and progressives don’t see the world that same way. They believe that there is a perfect solution out there for every problem, and that perfection is possible. Normally, trying to achieve perfection isn’t a bad thing, as there is always room for improvement. However, the left is made up of shallow thinking ideologues who, in search for perfection, overlook major pitfalls within their policies. This leads to them trying to overthrow systems, that currently are the best available, with terrible systems that they believe can actually create utopia.

My two reasons, for the repeated failed policies of the left, is why the left constantly wants to switch to socialism or communism. First off, it’s not very well thought out and only seems beneficial to the shallowest of thinkers. They believe, “it has to work, everyone just chips and pay for each other.” But if you think for even a moment, you’ll realize that this gives too much power to the government, is immoral to take what others have earned, and ruins motivation of people trying to get ahead.

Most people admit that capitalism is not perfect and never will be. But tit’s only the conservatives who realize that there are much more upsides than downsides, and it is the best system we have. Liberals want some impossible to achieve, perfect system where everyone is equal and happy. And they’re willing to overlook the obvious downsides, to keep the delusion of utopia alive in their minds.

I plead with everyone, just think about some problems that can arise when you are trying to solve any problem. Leftist particularly, please stop brushing off obvious concerns of others and seriously think about true negative consequences that could happen if every one of your solutions came to fruition. Would you want to get on an airplane if the engineer didn’t think everything out? Or if you ask him about the duck-taped wing and the engineer responds, “don’t worry about it! Probably nothing will happen.”

If everyone was good at playing their own devil’s advocate, then we wouldn’t have a political left like the one we have today. Wishful thinking and willful ignorance can be the downfall of the west, if we are not careful.

Author: AntiMSM