The left always has a million problems. Problems that they believe only their lord and savior, the government, can save. They have millions of issues (some fake) like the wage gap or real ones like the poor education to the inner-city schools. They always offer the same solutions, raise taxes, put some government officials on it, and throw more money at it. Now whenever someone offers some other advice, they don’t even try and negate the idea. They simply say that’s a bad idea. I am going to offer solutions and I would really enjoy any leftist to try and negate it:
- Inner City Education – For years, Republicans have talked of the voucher program. Instead of pumping federal money into a bad school, you give the students a voucher and they choose which school they would like to attend. Then the federal money goes to that school.
Hint- Democrats hate it because they’re heavily tied in with the school unions.
- College Prices – My parents were able to pay their own way through college by working 12-hour week minimum wage jobs during school and 40 hours of minimum wage during the summer. The reason that this isn’t anywhere near the case anymore is because the federal government forced banks to give all loans to kids regardless of school or major. Now that banks were going to pay for students regardless if they would be able to pay it back, schools no longer competed on price. Universities now competed on how nice the school looked and extracurricular items such as rec. rooms or dorm room niceness. They also could accept more kids and charge the woman’s studies major $100,000 dollars for a degree she would never use, and they knew this individual would be able to pay for it. My solution is simple, let banks decide if they want to give you a loan. It will help the 18-year-old decide if the major is worth it and if it isn’t than colleges will be forced to lower prices in order for them to get the loan.
- The inner-city violence – Thomas Sowell was a young black man who grew up in Harlem, a poor predominately black neighborhood, in the 1930’s. He said that even though they were poor and in the inner-city he didn’t hear any gun shots ringing out all the time, he even slept on the porch on hot summer nights. They were much poorer in the 1930’s than then they are now, so why has the violence dramatically risen? It’s simple, poor communities, particularly the black inner city, had two parent household’s decline drastically since the 1960’s. Violent crime rose drastically in the inner cities, since the 1960’s. There is no coincidence, it’s because with no one in the house to watch over the youths, trouble arose. The reason that two parent households declined is because the state allowed woman to be dependent on the government and not need to force a man to stick around. My solution is that the state should say that if you are on welfare you are not allowed to have any more children. If you can’t support your current children than you are robbing the state of more money when you have more. Jail time and losing child custody would ensue if you break the law.
- Healthcare- This one is a bit trickier but still very easy if you think about it. Health Insurance, like car insurance, was originally only intended to be for major catastrophes, not for minor check-ups, etc. It costs so much because insurance companies cover everything, like if your car paid for everyone’s gas and oil changes. Not only would your premiums go up, but your gas companies and mechanics would charge much higher because they know the insurance would cover it. My solution is for insurance to a.) stop being tied to your work (thanks unions) b.) stop paying for every time you have to go to seek any medical treatment. c.) add a health savings account that is non-taxable money that can be used for health care. If you have a health savings account that will account for all your health needs, unless you have a major catastrophe, you’ll be more selective in your doctor choice. This will cause doctors to compete on price and also will deter people to go to the emergency room for a hurt foot. If you provide people that are on medicare with an HSA account where money is added to, instead of just covering wherever they go, they will be more conscientious of their choices and prices will fall. This will allow all premiums to fall and healthcare would be much more affordable.
These solutions are nothing new. But I still have never heard a clear answer on why leftist won’t implement them. They never really have a sound argument on why these won’t work. However, they still choose the same old solution that hasn’t worked for decades and that is more government!