Friday on the HBO weekly airing of “Real Time,” Bill Maher and actor Jim Carrey addressed Republicans “running” with the term “socialism” when it comes to far-left candidates. Carrey defended socialism, arguing it is not a failure in Canada, where he grew up. “I grew up in Canada, OK, we have socialized medicine,” said Carrey. “And I’m here to tell you that this bullshit line that you get on all of the political shows from people is that it’s a failure — the system is a failure in Canada. It is not a failure, and I never waited for anything in my life. I chose my own doctors. My mother never paid for a prescription — it was fantastic.” He continued, “I just got back from Vancouver, and I keep hearing, ‘Canadians are so nice. Canadians are so nice.’ They can be nice because they have health care — because they have a government that cares about them that doesn’t say, ‘Sink or f***ing swim, pal, or you live in a box.’ There are certain people in our society that need to be taken care of.” Maher replied, “I’ve always said the United States has been quasi-socialist for a hundred