In an earlier written piece, I pointed out my observation of how leftist don’t have any principles. I said they’ll follow whatever the left establishment takes a stance on, without question. This is still very true. But the establishment itself does have principles. From the outside looking in, it looks like they are very sporadic and bipolar when choosing a particular stance. The left wants freedom to choose but no freedom of speech. Hatred of cops and they think only cops should have guns. They believe that Christianity is bad because they control women and hate gays but ferociously stand and fight for Islam and their rights. It seems like they are all over the place.
However, I’ve observed that everything the left does follows one simple rule. They decide to back something if it gives the federal government more power. It’s that simple! If you look at every idea and stance they have taken in the past forty years it all makes perfect sense.
Let’s start with some of their current positions, free college and free healthcare. It seems so compassionate that they want to rip away money from taxpayers to pay for others without the taxpayer’s consent. But it’s actually much worse! If you control the healthcare, the government now gets to decide who lives and who dies when you’re old. They get to pick plans and decide who pays for what. This also raises taxes and gives more money to the government.
Free college is the same thing. We’ve already seen the rises in college costs because the federal government forces banks to give all students loans regardless of college or major, allowing colleges to charge outrages prices. It gives the government more power because it gives them a say in how the college conducts their education. Basically the US government gets to decide what the colleges teach. Now if it’s free college than the federal government will have the ultimate say when it comes to what is learned in class. The universities will become a bigger factory of useful idiots who won’t know how to think and will do whatever the government pleases.
I don’t need to delve too far into gun regulation because that’s quite obvious. If there are no guns than people can’t defend themselves from tyranny. You can look to almost every 20th century dictator for reference on their stances for gun control if you need examples.
Let’s look at regulations and how it gives more power to the government. The more regulations passed the bigger businesses have to pay to get around those regulations. It goes further than that, though. You see the dirty secret is that most major corporations like those regulations. It is basically a fee they pay to the government so that no other smaller businesses can jump into their market. They pay these officials to pass laws where they might look like they get hurt, but the fact that most competition can’t afford the regulations actually does wonders for their business. This helps the government too because now they are getting more kickbacks and more power. Soon the corporations are in bed with the government and the tax bills are all laid at the foot of the average American taxpayer.
It truly astounds me about how people don’t realize this. The left is against all forms of hate speech. It might seem compassionate but it’s really just so they control what you say and think. They support Islam because they share a mutual hatred of the current US. Islam causes chaos and daddy government gets to clean it up and provide more regulations and controls on the people.
From climate change and higher taxes to forcing a Christian baker to bake something for someone, everything the left fights for is to put themselves in a position of power.
Every socialist country in the end had a dictator. Venezuela is the most recent example of the effects of socialism. So why do leftist want all this power? Why would they want to tear something down, that’s so great, to build something up that has only produced products such as mass murder and starvation?
The answer is because most leftist believe they are better than everyone else. It is this extreme narcissism that makes them believe that if they’re in power, everything will be better. When it doesn’t come to fruition, they believe they just need more power for it to come to light. They cycle continues until everyone is dead or someone stops them. It will never change! They believe that this time, because of their extreme intelligence, that socialism or communism will work.
I have some advice to anyone who is not that vein and doesn’t believe that everything they think is equivalent to the theory of relativity. That is, when you see some smug college kid, drinking a latte and talking about how easy it is if the world just did things the way they see it, you humiliate them. You check everything they say and make sure to remind them they are not some god like Einstein. You tell them their narcissism is of the same thread of evil dictators who just wanted to make the world a better place.
Then why are you voting?
Because we don’t want them to have that power