When militant feminist proudly proclaim that they are fighting the patriarchy by scolding men who are “manspreading”, which is sitting with too wide of a stance on public transportation, normal people scoff and try to ignore it. Most times, people just give in to their demands and these liberal feminists feel as if they were very brave for fighting the patriarchy.
After an event like the aforementioned occurs, it causes me to wonder if these activists would be so brave if these men on the subway would actually hit back. I’m not condoning violence by any means, but I just wonder if activists would act the same way if there was a decent chance that someone would retaliate against them for their criticism.
I already have the answer for you and that is absolutely not! And there is clear evidence to justify my response. There is an actual patriarchal system that oppresses woman in 2016 and that is Islam, Shariah law more specifically, and you don’t hear a peep from feminist about that. In the Islamic world, there is genital mutilation, forced covering of faces, no voting rights, terrible rape laws, and forced marriages to adults and children. Virtually, Islamic women don’t have any of the rights that Western woman have today.
Why don’t feminist travel to Saudia Arabia right now and stand arm in arm with their fellow women? Or protest the mosques, here in the US, for encouraging this type of oppression from their young men? It’s because Muslims will retaliate in a violent nature, and these self-proclaimed brave women don’t want to suffer those consequences. They only pick battles where the chances of retaliation are very low.
I’m not saying that this has always been the case. Women and African Americans, at one time, valiantly fought against oppression, when there were real consequences for their insubordination. But today’s generation equates fighting manspreading and transgender bathroom usage with the civil rights or women’s right to vote. It’s not!
Criticizing the Christians for their stances on homosexuality and women is not brave when you refuse to say anything about the much harsher stances in Islam. Nor is believing you’re oppressed by the Government when there aren’t any laws discriminating against anyone, except white males with affirmative action. The same goes for constantly railing on everything wrong with white culture but not criticizing the black culture for extreme violence and a skyrocketing murder rate. You can’t be taken seriously unless you indiscriminately criticize.
This is a common trend with today’s liberal. The reason to bring up this issue now is because the trend of picking small easy battles instead of fighting major injustice has peaked on the international stage. This occurred Friday when the UN chose to attack Israel by condemning Israel’s occupation of the west wall in Jerusalem, a move orchestrated by Obama and his administration.
This piece isn’t to discuss whether you think that Israel should be occupying the west wall in Jerusalem or not. Thought I feel I should mention that it’s insane to not support Israel in most instances, as they are the only democracy in a sea of Islamic dictatorships which are full of misery and horror. But this piece is to inquire, isn’t there bigger battles to fight?
The UN has sanctioned Israel more than Syria and North Korea combined. North Korea has a dictator who is a ruthless torturous killer that provides no human rights. And while everyone knows what’s going on in Syria, the UN still decides to focus their efforts and resources on Israel. The obvious answer is because Russia won’t let the UN attack Syria, without serious consequences. Also, the pansies at the UN don’t want to stand up to that fat-psychopath that resides in North Korea. Hell, no one even talks about the genocide going on in Sudan!
Israel is a good pick for their criticism because Israel wants to be at peace and to play ball with the rest of the world. The UN’s scrutiny is an attempt to show the world that the UN is actually doing something without having to take on much risk. The risk has significantly diminished since Obama has forced America to turn its back on our closest ally in the middles east.
The citizens of China, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Gaza, Syria, Sudan, and numerous other countries suffer at the hands of their oppressive governments, and would love the freedoms and luxuries that Israel provides for their people. Yet Israel is treated as if they are the worst country in the world. Muslims that live in Israel have more rights than they would in most Muslim dominated countries. However, there are no Jewish people living in Muslim dominated countries because they will be killed almost immediately.
To my fellow conservatives, the point of this piece is to give you ammo when liberals go off on a tangent about something insignificant and small. Instead of fighting them on their stupid point, all you have to do is point out something much more egregious and similar in nature. Then you say, “let’s discuss your issue after we fight this bigger injustice together.” For example, when they talk about manspreading say, “I’d be happy to talk manspreading, but first let’s fight genital mutilation or Shariah law in general.” Another example would be saying, “I’d be happy to talk Israel, but let’s talk about the oppressive socialist dictator in North Korea, or Cuba first.”
The truth is most liberal activist are cowards, who only want to fight when there is very little chance of negative consequences. So, when these indoctrinated people decide to be activist and take a stance, we must make them address the real problems of the world, before giving them the time of day on their stupid, inconsequential problems.