Napolitano: If GOP Rushes Kavanaugh Confirmation There Will Be ‘Taint on His Skin’

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Daily Briefing,” Network judicial commentator Andrew Napolitano said if Republicans rush to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court without allowing an investigation and his accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to testify, Kavanaugh will have a “taint on his skin.” When asked if he thinks the FBI should investigate, Napolitano said, “Yes, I do. I do for a couple of reasons. I think if the hearing on Monday is just Judge Kavanaugh, he is going to have taint on his skin which he doesn’t deserve and which will take years to eradicate.” He added, “I would rather see Justice Kavanaugh start in November but without taint on his skin than a Justice Kavanaugh starting the first Monday in October but with doubt about whether or not these events happened. If Dr. Ford testifies and Judge Kavanaugh testifies, the Senate and the American public can decide who they believe.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Author: AntiMSM