Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” former Secretary of State John Kerry said The New York Times op-ed critical of President Donald Trump and attributed to a senior White House official meant the United States had entered into “a genuine constitutional crisis.” Kerry said, “It’s absolutely extraordinary. I think obviously it’s going to create an enormous fight over the credibility and the propriety, et cetera. But when you separate it, when you really look at this memo, when you recognize that “The New York Times” does know who it is, and they have very carefully approached this, and you add this to what is in Bob Woodward’s book, which everybody knows he tapes people that he talks to. He’s probably the single most credible investigative reporter in the country, if not the world, and he knows his methodology, and his publisher knows the methodology. And lawyers who support both of those, him and the publisher know the methodology. So the credibility level against a president who is now been found clearly to lie on a daily basis and has a serious problem with the truth, that’s the balance here.” He continued, “We have a presidency which is off the rails. We have a presidency