On the day of Trump’s inauguration, a now famous video emerged of a lady in a green coat falling to her knees and screaming in disgust. Since the November 2016 election, there have been numerous images and videos of grown adults crying, threatening to kill themselves, screaming, and throwing things, all because Hillary Clinton didn’t win the election. It’s understandable that they felt disheartened when their candidate didn’t win, however what’s truly concerning is how they expressed their emotions.
When I was around four years old, I went to the grocery store with my mother. Whenever we went to the grocery story in the past, my mom would always allow me to buy one piece of candy that I can enjoy on the way home. This time however, when we had finished shopping, my mother told me that I am not getting any candy. At that moment, I became overwhelmed and began to scream and cry in the middle of the grocery store. I was extremely upset that I couldn’t do anything about the inability to achieve the outcome that I wanted. Throwing a tantrum was the only way to vent my frustration. At that moment, my mom immediately picked me up, spanked me on the butt, and took me out of the store. In the car, she said, “don’t do that again, you’re too old to act like that.”
Thinking back, it’s quite obvious that I was too old to act like that, even though I was only four. What’s truly frightening is that this is how the left continually reacts to news or outcomes that they don’t agree with. If they don’t like something, they throw a tantrum, attack, cry, scream, and act like two-year old’s. Think about when conservative speakers want to speak on campus. Instead of trying to discuss their differences with their opponent, they attack people because they don’t like what’s happening.
Part of the reason that grown adults act like spoiled toddlers is because these people didn’t have mothers who picked them up and gave them a spanking for acting out. They weren’t punished for their poor actions and their juvenile demands were often met. This, in turn, makes them believe that they can receive whatever they want, as long as they throw tantrums.
However, there seems to be another major reason that people aren’t making the transition from adolescents to adulthood. It appears that even children with wonderful parents are graduating college and coming out less mature than when they came in. Another explanation for the phenomenon where people remain in a constant state of adolescents is because the left doesn’t want people to grow up.
Look at the modern leftist culture and what they force on us. It seems that every new comedic movie makes fun of characters when they act too grown up. The most common movie narrative is for people to put all their cares away for one night or weekend and act like stupid morons. They push, drugs, random sex, partying all night, and overall stupidity. The culture mocks marriage and deems it as oppressive to women. They portray marriage as a system that makes all housewives crazy, men as bored and beaten down, and the children as little brats. Think about “The Hangover, Bad Teachers, Bad Moms, Party X, and Rough Night.”
In music, think about how today’s pop artist who dress scantily and advocate for having random sex. These stars constantly promote ideas like only caring about yourself, never growing up, and doing whatever you please. It seems that the only ideology celebrated in pop culture today is remaining a permanent teenager.
Pop culture isn’t entirely attributable to the progressives, as the right consumes a lot of what they produce. However, progressives are also the party that pushes for adolescents within their policies. They push for single motherhood by supporting single mothers much more than couples that stay together. They want abortion because it allows people to kill their baby instead of facing the consequences of their actions, and growing up to support their child. They push for more and more welfare, and don’t even want the recipients to be drug tested.
Progressives today want to force the tax payer to subsidize healthcare and college education. Barrack Obama created a law that allowed 26-year old’s to stay on their parent’s health insurance. He also forced insurers to accept people who have preexisting conditions, which doesn’t make sense because it removes the reason for anyone to pay for insurance before they get sick. Bernie Sanders wants all of your college to be paid for as well. All of these items are on the leftist agenda so adults don’t have to make tough decisions, nor face the consequences of their bad ones. When people don’t have to make tough decisions or face consequences for making bad ones, they can remain a child indefinitely.
After reading some of the examples provided above, one would probably wonder, “what is the left’s motive? “Why would they want to have a bunch of spoiled toddlers in our country?”
The left’s ultimate goal is to have enough power over the population to be able to do whatever it takes in order to achieve their utopian fantasies. The fact is that’s its much easier attain power over people if the population consists of a bunch of teenagers and children, as oppose to rational minded adults.
It’s easier to control adolescents as oppose to adults, for several reasons. First, adolescents don’t have the same ability to critically think. They can’t critically think because they haven’t had to think through tough decisions and/or suffer the consequences of these decisions. When someone doesn’t have the ability to critically think, they are easier to be convinced of policies and principles that sound good in theory, but in actuality are horrendous.
Adolescents are also easier to control because they are lazy and narcissistic, which government can appeal to. They’ll convince the useful idiots that they don’t need to give to charity, that government will take care of the poor, if you just give them power. They ask convince them that they don’t need to work, buy healthcare, or take care of your children, because government will take care of them. Young minded people tend to value being taken care more than freedom.
Finally, and most importantly, adolescents are easier to control than adults because adolescents are not independent and need another entity to survive. Children need parents to guide them and to provide for them until they grow up. However, if they don’t grow up, then someone or something needs to put food on the table. If people are dependent on the government for survival, then it is nearly impossible to break free from its grasps. If anyone suddenly realizes that their government has become tyrannical, they won’t be able to do anything if they are dependent on them, because it will mean almost certain death.
Being a child or a teenager was wonderful and, in a lot of ways, much easier than being an adult. But if these young adults don’t grow up and realize that they are in a constant state of adolescents, then future generations, will have far different childhoods than the previous generations were fortunate enough to have.