In the United States, a decentralized government gives the states the power to govern as each one sees fit. This, of course, is in opposition to having a centralized government where an entity like the federal government has the ability to rule the whole country.
America’s founding founders wanted a de-centralized government for two reasons. First, so that no single entity, like the federal government, can attain too much power. Secondly, it was because it provides a system where states can experiment and figure out which systems work the best. The United States was designed as a place where ideas can be tested. There people can compare and contrast, and see which systems provides them the best opportunity for success.
One would think that the left would be delighted at the chance to prove the superiority of their big government system, in comparison to the free market capitalist system. They would finally have an opportunity to back up what they say. All they would have to do is implement their systems in some states. Once the utopias begin to emerge, they would easily be able to convince the conservatives to jump ship and everyone would choose to live under a government that makes all the decisions for everyone.
Yet, for some reason progressives don’t choose this route. The left decided to take a path where they try to expand the federal government who will in turn, will force everyone to adhere to their ideology.
Obviously, socialism is inherently a system that is exerted by force. But, why don’t leftist try and prove that their ideology works first? Why not try to show us some examples of states that it had operated properly, before they try to force everyone to bow down to the almighty government? Don’t they believe that actions speak louder than words? Don’t they believe that conservatives would be easier to fight, if they had some proof?
It’s quite obvious to most, why the left chooses to try to push socialism through the federal government. The truth is that time and time again everywhere that their system has been implemented, it has consistently done much worse in comparison to their free capitalistic system competitors.
Let’s start with Berlin, Germany after WWII. The city and country had divided a completely homogenous population right down the middle. East Berlin was socialist and West Berlin was capitalistic. In less than 50 years the citizens of Eastern Germany were starving under an oppressive government and demanded that they be set free to the flourishing west. The fence had become a prison that kept Eastern Germans in, instead of its intended purpose of keeping West Germans out.
Here in the United States the same test has produced the same results. California has far greater resources and weather than their eastern neighbors, Texas. Yet, people are leaving the sunshine state in droves, to move to Texas. This is because for the past 30 years, leftist policies have converted the once great state of California, to a cesspool.
All the major cities, where democrats have taken power, have become littered with crime and poverty. Chicago and Detroit were supposed to be the progressive mecca’s where they had no guns, heavy welfare, and heavy regulation. Yet the cities just became hell holes that are filled with violence, crime, and crippling debt.
It begins to make a little more sense why the left wouldn’t want to continue to emphasize the comparisons of their ideology to capitalism. Because if people can see with their eyes what works and what doesn’t, then the ideology of the left can never take hold.
Another reason that the left wants to force everyone to live under their rule is because it can keep them afloat longer. The more people that live under a Bernie Sanders type government, the more people that the government can pillage and take advantage of. Think about it, right now the majority of people that want to live under the progressive thumb are people that want free stuff. However, those people are people that can’t provide anything to the government. In turn, the left wants to force the producers, that don’t want to live under the left’s rule, to pay homage through taxes to them.
The bottom line is that socialism and communism can never work. However, if everyone is forced to live under it, then they cannot see that there is a superior system that works better. The citizens of East Berlin probably wouldn’t have been as angry if they didn’t have to look over and see their brothers and sisters flourishing. People in California probably wouldn’t groan so much about the large state taxes if they couldn’t see how much better they could be living in Texas.
My question is to the leftist is, “can anyone provide one example of places where their ideology works?” Sweden has already demanded that they stopped being used as a reference by Bernie Sanders because they have chosen to become more capitalistic, as their system started failing under progressive ideology. Denmark and Norway are fledgling. Also, using them as a reference isn’t really fair, because it takes about 20 years for socialism to show it’s true affects. 10 years ago, Venezuela was used as the example of the way government should be run,like Denmark and Norway. However, they don’t mention Venezuela anymore because after 19 years of leftist policy, Venezuela went from the richest country in South America to food lines and toilet paper shortages. So, before you use Denmark and Norway let’s give it some time so we can see if that truly worked or not.
Until then, the left should shut their mouths and quit trying to force us to bow down to a system that has never and will never work.