Since the progressive left transformed the Democratic party from the party of John F. Kennedy to the party of marxist, they have always had single payer healthcare system on their mind. A single payer system has always been held in high regard by the world’s worst dictators including Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot. The reason that single payer is so coveted by these dictators is because it grants the state a vast power over the people. When government has the authority to make the health care choices for everyone, it gives them the ability to make the life or death decision for all people. Look at even the most moderate socialized healthcare countries like England. The English government denied the parents of a sick child the ability to move their son to the US for a new treatment, even though the parents wanted to pay for it on their own. In Canada, the government healthcare system has you waiting 10-15 years for surgeries like torn ACL’s or elective surgeries that decrease pain and increase quality of life.
However, I’m not writing this piece to discuss the single payer system and how truly awful it is. It’s not even to discuss how much power single payer health care grants the government. Today I’d like to discuss how the left managed to become comfortable enough to even propose the once taboo idea of single payer healthcare.
When Barrack Obama was proposing his Obamacare in 2008, he constantly stated that this was not single payer. He scoffed and mocked conservatives and members of the media who suggested that he ultimately wanted a single payer system. Time and time again he stated that single payer was never his end goal and that people who thought single payer was going to be introduced into the US were just paranoid.
Nine years later these paranoid conservatives have seen their delusional prophecies come to fruition. The Democrats, who less than a decade ago, said that they never wanted single payer healthcare, have become comfortable enough to propose it.
Sure, everyone has the right to change their mind, but most people recognize that the progressives never changed their mind. They always wanted a single payer system, but weren’t comfortable saying that they wanted it, until now.
So, how did it come to this? How did something, that liberals claimed to be a fallacy nine years ago, become a reality?
In Pat Miller’s Book “Willfully Ignorant,” there’s a quote that I believe accurately explains how this happens. It reads, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
It’s quite obvious that this is how the regressive left’s tactic has been for years. They never call for their true goal outright like single payer healthcare. They always suggest that they want some middle ground policy. Then again later, they call for another middle ground policy, this time from the new line.
Look at smoking as an example, progressives originally didn’t call for outright bans of smoking right away. At first, it was just separate smoking and non-smoking sections. Soon after, it was no smoking inside any buildings, regardless if the owner wants it or not. Now, in some states, you can’t even be within 15 ft. of any building or smoke in your own cars if there are children.
The road to single payer is going down the same path. First it was Medicare and Medicaid, along with heavy regulation on medical field. Then it was control over the insurance companies, and forcing them to take on more items that are very costly. Then it was the Obamacare mandate along with forcing insurance companies to take in people with pre-existing conditions. Finally, they are proposing single payer healthcare, which was their ultimate goal all along.
This isn’t the only item that progressives passionately are trying to force upon the American people. The next big-ticket item that the left is going after is an all-out gun ban. Right now, progressives are calling for stronger national firearm regulations including trying to limit the amount of ammunition and what types of guns people can buy. They’ll laugh and call you crazy when you suggest that progressives really want an all out gun ban. If you take a look at New York, however, you’ll see what the future is for the rest of the US. In New York city, only the politicians and the rich elite can own weapons. Originally New York called for some safety regulations. Then, it was no longer concealed carry or large firearms. Now you can’t even own a firearm in your own apartment, without going through a barrage of paperwork and fees.
Progressives true motives for items like healthcare, climate change, firearms, heavy taxation, education reform and regulation are far more sinister than what they lead on. They’ll try and paint you as a crazy person for suggesting their true motive, and suggest that they just want some “common sense” changes to the position. In actuality those “common sense” changes are just a step towards what progressives really want.
So how does one identify what the left really wants when they offer up these “common sense” propositions. It’s actually really quite simple, when you understand what the left’s true motive for everything they do is. The left wants power through government. They want to control the lives of everyone so they can make the world in their image. In order to figure out what the left is really after, you just have to ask yourself the following question, “How can this lead to the government gaining more power?” Once you figure it out, then you’ll know that the leftist actual goal is always the most extreme version of whatever it is they’re suggesting at the time.
It’s quite obvious that the left wants control over healthcare and to take away your guns because it gives the federal government more power over the people. They’ll be able to achieve this goal in the end if you don’t stop them from chipping away at our rights now. Their ideas are non-logical nor “common sense” at all. They are just a another step towards complete control. A step that we shouldn’t let them get to. Next time you hear a leftist suggest something like “common sense” guns laws, you tell them that we shouldn’t do anything because the left just wants to ban all guns. When they laugh and call you crazy, you should respond with the following phrase, “leftist called me crazy when I suggested that they wanted single payer healthcare 8 years ago.”
Remember, every inch that is given to the progressives now, is an inch closer to the socialist hell that they are ultimately after. Don’t give them anymore inches and take back the ones that have already been relinquished.