Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Kavanaugh Hearing: ‘This Isn’t About Documents — It’s About Ridiculous Political Ploys’

During a Wednesday appearance on “Fox & Friends,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reacted to Democrats demanding Brett Kavanaugh release all documents relating to the Supreme Court nominee’s time in the Bush White House, saying the pushback was happening before Democrats even knew who he was. “Democrats opposed Kavanaugh before they even knew who he was,” Sanders said. “This isn’t about documents. It’s about ridiculous political ploys that the Democrats are trying to play.” Sanders added that the White House has turned over hundreds of thousands of pages of documents. “If Democrats can’t figure out whether they’re a yes or no based off of all of that, frankly, they shouldn’t be in the Senate,” stated Sanders. “I don’t think that it’s that hard to ask the questions that they have of Kavanaugh. Stop grandstanding, start asking questions that you have to this individual and see if you think he is qualified. And then make a decision.” “It is absolutely ridiculous the games that they’re playing,” she said. Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

Author: AntiMSM