Most children, under the age of 5, are taught to never hit anyone under any circumstances. That statement offers no wiggle room for any reason what-so-ever. You teach this very simple rule to very young people, not because this statement is true, but because they aren’t old enough to comprehend when it’s alright to hit or hurt someone and when it isn’t.
It seems that a lot of progressives never learned that this rule was meant to be expanded upon as you became more intelligent. Like a five-year old, they don’t seem to have the mental cognition to determine when it is moral to fight and when it isn’t.
You’ll often hear progressives say something like “there should never be war!” or “violence is never the answer!” They usually say this oversimplified rhetoric when espousing vitriol towards the United States, specifically when talking about US wars. Barrack Obama, while referring to the atomic bomb, once said, “don’t forget that we were the only ones to drop one of those.” That statement was intended to point out that, in Mr. Obama’s eyes, the United States was the only country ruthless and evil enough to drop an atom bomb on another country.
Noam Chomsky is one the biggest perpetrators of this rule when he tries to critique the United States. He’ll say things such as, “we killed much more Iraqis in the war than they killed of us.” As if the evil is determined by the amount of killing, not the reason.
The point I’m trying to convey is that, to most people, it’s quite obvious that the rule of never hitting is impossible to live by. So, my question is, when is it alright to go to war and when isn’t it?
My basic rule, when trying to determine if an action is moral or immoral, is very simple. I just ask myself two questions, “What were our intentions when committing these acts” and “What would happen if we didn’t take action?” Applying those questions, we can easily determine that most of the United States military actions were justified.
If we look at the dropping of the atomic bomb, it’s quite obvious that the United States made the right choice. Our intention was to end the onslaught of socialistic dictators that were trying to take over the world. If we didn’t drop the atomic bomb at best, we would have lost millions of more men and women and eventually have won the war, after a lot more damage. If that happened then Japan, most likely, wouldn’t have allied with the west and become the thriving nation that it is today. At worst, we could have lost the war and been living under Adolph Hitler’s thumb.
Two major US wars are often criticized by leftist and used as an example of American evil. The Iraq and the Vietnam war. Now a lot of people don’t realize that the Vietnam war was the same circumstances that happened in the Korean War. In both cases, the socialist north was trying to take over the capitalist south. In the Korean war, we saved South Korea from being ruled by the north. We can see now that if the US hadn’t intervened, the South Koreans would be living under a tyrannical dictator instead of a thriving economy that brought us Samsung and other great products. Our intention for Vietnam was the same and it would have had the same outcome, but progressives used the war as a political tool to make the United States look bad. If we didn’t go into Vietnam, the outcome would have been a slaughter of the south Vietnamese. The slaughter still occurred because we the left decided that it was more important to make a political statement, than to bring freedom to the south Vietnamese people.
In Iraq, our intention was to prevent a maniac from obtaining weapons of mass destruction and using them against the United States. Also, to free the Iraqi people from a tyrannical dictator, and bring democracy to one region in the dictator riddle middle east. It obviously didn’t work but the United States was not evil for going in there. Also, the body count of Iraqis isn’t a valid comparison, it’s intent and motive that really counts.
Israel is another example of invalid criticism because they kill more Palestinians than vice-versa. However, Israel kills Palestinians because they are defending themselves from being destroyed. Palestinians kill Israeli’s because they want to destroy Israel. People also need to consider, what would happen to Israel if they decided not to fight? It’s obvious that if Israel decided to not defend themselves, then the surrounding Muslim nations would destroy Israel within minutes of their decision.
War is inevitable and will be until the end of man. The left believes that if you put down your weapons and don’t fight, people will leave you alone and there will be no war. They believe that all war is evil and there is never justification for it. However, as history has shown that if you put down your weapons and don’t fight, you will just be taken over and forced to live under the oppositions rule.
I believe that the United States has had valid and moral reasons for nearly every war that they have taken a part of. Whenever a leftist decides to decide to point out some of the evil of these wars, remember to ask them the questions of, “what was the United States intent?” and “what would have happened if we didn’t?” Prove to them that the war was the more moral choice. Make sure that they know the consequences that would have occurred if our great nation had not taken action.