The BLM movement, Hillary supporters, Bernie supporters, the main stream media, and even some Trump supporters have major issues that makes it hard for them to be taken seriously when criticizing or defending their candidates or movement. Besides themselves, no one takes them at their word anymore. But why? What caused them to lose this credibility? Why is it hard for others to take them at their word?
The reason is because their unquestionable allegiance causes them to rarely criticize of whom or what they support. This is while simultaneously constantly criticizing every single action, wrong or right of their opponents.
Black lives matter supports riots and protest every time an officer shoots a black person. They never take time to look at the circumstances or what happened that lead to the shooting. In the BLM movements eyes, the police are always bad regardless if the black person had a weapon, was attacking the officer, was resisting arrest, or was on drugs and just strong armed a liquor store. In any situation the police are the oppressors and they never criticize or question the victim of the shooting. This cripples their movement and their outside support. If they only focused on real instances of police brutality than people would believe their claims and support them. Currently, even if there is clear evidence to support their cause, no one believes them because they supported so many cases where they were clearly wrong.
The main stream media has no credibility either. Their unrelenting criticism of the right makes every valid criticism of them seem innocuous. The fact that they constantly railed on George Bush, John McCain, Donald Trump for being a sexist, racist, jerk invalidates them from calling any people those names. This is because these candidates clearly were not the evil people that the left claimed they were. If a future republican candidate really is a racist, sexist, jerk no one will believe them because they said it of people that clearly were not that way.
Their constant defense of people they like, even when they’re clearly wrong, invalidates any defense they have, even if they’re right. I’ll move to Hillary in a moment, but I just don’t understand how no criticism of Bernie Sanders came about when a self-proclaimed socialist, took a bribe to support Hillary Clinton? Or the fact that he couldn’t defend what was happening in Venezuela even though he proposed the same laws and form of government that they have. But I digress!
Hillary Clinton has escaped most criticism of the left while there is a constant magnifying glass on Donald Trump. I’m not defending Donald Trump, as he has said and done some very stupid things. However, if you compared the actual corruption of HRC to Donald Trump’s questionable statements, the news should be about 95% Hillary Clinton and 5% Donald Trump. However, it seems the opposite is true.
Hillary Clinton has somehow been able to escape most criticism’s even with her scandals including cattle futures, whitewater, the Clinton foundation, Benghazi, her private server and deleted emails, her covering up her husband’s indiscretion’s and so many other clear corruption cases.
When Hillary Clinton said that it was a vast right-wing conspiracy about her husband’s indiscretions, the media took her at her word. She also made the right-wing conspiracy accusation when they asked if any of her deleted emails had classified information, or that she only created the private server because she only wanted one cell phone. The truth came out that she had twelve cell phones and an FBI investigation found numerous classified emails on emails she had deleted. The media should have jumped all over her, instead they just blindly accepted her next excuses and lies.
Even when the media criticizes Hillary, they down play it.
For example: “Yes Hillary hid some emails which was wrong, but it is really a big deal in the grand scheme of things?”- zombie leftist
Or even conservatives have a hard time ripping Trump who has made some vulgar comments and also has some liberal leanings when it comes to the size of the government.
I just want to point out that it is good to defend your cause when it is being unjustifiably attacked. However, if you ever want to be taken seriously when it comes to discussing politics or any other sort of movement you have to be able to accept valid criticism and you can’t have an unrelenting unjustified attack of the other side.
It seems now that no one can be taken at their word because they are too biased. Everyone has a little bit of bias but if we ever want to come together and find solutions, we will need to try and see what is wrong with ourselves before we attack others.