What Cultural Trends Created ‘The Coddling Of The American Mind’?


Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt and First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff are authors of the new book, “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.” Both authors join Ben Domenech in studio to discuss fearful parenting, the turmoil on college campuses, and the crippling of Americans’ social, emotional, and intellectual development.

“We break the analysis into what’s happening nationally, what’s happening on campus, and what’s happening in childhood,” Haidt said. “Now that were seeing the depression, anxiety, and suicide stats, there’s a widespread understanding that, man, we are doing things wrong. We’ve got to change. We’ve got to give our kids the chance to learn how to be independent.”

Listen to their full conversation here:

Author: AntiMSM