Thomas Sowell once said, “Life does not ask what we want. It presents us with options.” However, when liberals are filling out the multiple-choice answers they always appear to choose option D-none of the above. Often, it seems that when a member of the left is presented with a problem, some facts, and options on how to deal with the problem, they will choose a completely unattainable option that wasn’t even presented to them.
A very recent example of bizarre choices made by leftist is when they decided how the west was going to help the millions of people displaced due to the Syrian civil war. The logical options were: A.) Don’t get involved or B.) Get involved and create protected safe-havens within Syria where these refugees could go. Instead of choosing A or B, leftist choose another route. In Europe, they choose to allow millions of un-vetted, unskilled refugees from a completely different culture into their countries. Leftist here in the US would like to do the same.
It’s quite obvious, to anyone with an iota of logic, why this is a disastrous choice. First, Syria is home to millions of terrorists who were able to come into Europe and wreak havoc upon Europeans. Secondly people in Islamic countries have a completely different culture and rarely choose to assimilate into their host countries. Finally, these unskilled people would have to be subsidized by the host country until they are taught the skills necessary to succeed.
So why did leftist choose the worst option? Why didn’t they consider the probable outcome of increased terrorism, increase in rape and murder, Muslim hostility toward their hosts, and all the negative economic consequences that came with allowing these refugees into their country?
The reason that those facts weren’t considered in their decision making is because those logical truths don’t fit into the leftist world view.
Leftist policies are never based on facts, but on how they believe the world should be. They believe that everyone, deep down, just wants to be free, to take care of their families, and work hard to get ahead. They believed that if we just let these people come to Europe that soon Muslims would see the error in their ways and trade in the headscarves for bikini’s. However, the reality is that people in other cultures (Muslim countries) do not hold the same values that the west holds and it is quite apparent when seeing the outcome of this failed experiment.
Their policy making would be like if a progressive and a conservative were lying in bed and they heard a noise downstairs. They both would hope that it was the wind and not an intruder. However, if it became clear that there was someone in the house, the progressive would choose to hide under the blanket and say,” no there isn’t anyone downstairs.” Also, they would prevent the conservative from going and confronting the robber because the truth is too scary for them to handle. However, their refusal to acknowledge and confront the intruder does not change the fact that someone is breaking into their home. As a matter of fact, it is dangerous to hide under the blanket because the truth will always find you.
This ideologically fact-less thinking is the only reason that the leftist world view can exist. They believe that communism and socialism will create a utopia because they believe that if government regulates everyone and dictates equality, then everyone will be at peace and we will all hold hands and sing kumbayah. They believe that the poor aren’t successful because of outward forces and if they are given money than they will be just as productive as successful people. They believe that Government won’t become corrupt with all that power.
The only way you can possibly think that would work is if you completely disregard human nature and refuse to look at history and how big government has worked out in the past. You also have to completely gloss over the immorality of taking someone else’s property to give to someone else so you can feel good.
Leftist don’t even hide from the fact that they dictate policy based on how the world should be. You’ll hear Bernie Sanders say, “Everyone deserves healthcare,” but everyone getting free-healthcare isn’t one of the options because it is simply unattainable for numerous reasons.
You’ll hear from Democrats say something like, “if we put more money into inner-city schools than it will cure the violence and crime problem in their communities.” However, we’ve been doing that for years and it is only getting worse because money isn’t the problem in the inner-city, it’s a fatherless gang-culture.
They refuse to acknowledge even the most obvious facts because if they do, then their entire worldview is changed. If they acknowledge that the West is better than Islamic countries, then their belief that the West is only lucky to be successful is not true. Also, their belief that every human has the same hopes and dreams as westerners is wrong, then there is no hope for their Utopian vision.
Hope and intentional ignorance are completely different. You can hope for a better world without choosing to remain ignorant to obvious truths so that your belief in a fantasy utopia can still become true. Sadly, hoping and wishing don’t change the facts. Every time a leftist takes action based on how they think the world should be instead of how it really is, they take oxygen from the greatest flame that the world has ever known, which is the west.