Has anyone else ever noticed the extreme arrogance and hypocrisy when some guilty white liberal, while defending some minority, says, “You don’t know what their experience is, you’re a white cis-gendered male.” The obvious hypocrisy is that they are stereotyping all white people as living the same lives and having the same experiences. The obvious arrogance is they think that they know what all minorities are feeling.
It’s ignorant when some minority says something along the lines of, “you don’t know my experience because your white therefore you have to believe that all my emotions are justified.” An easy retaliation would be, “you don’t know what’s it’s like to be white, so stop making inferences that my life is easy because I’m white, when you have no idea what my experience is.” However, my true disgust lies with white liberals that believes in white privilege while disparaging anyone who simply disagrees.
Often these white liberals come from privileged backgrounds in some suburban neighborhood. They begin to have a view that they should be the saviors of minorities because no one else has stepped it up enough. They see themselves as heroes and tout themselves as open minded individuals that would never stereotype anyone for anything. They claim to believe that everyone should have tolerance and empathy to other people’s positions. However, they completely miss out on the fact that just because they had a nice upbringing, doesn’t mean that everyone that is white has had the same experiences or privileges as them.
When coming to the defense of minorities, these individuals white knight because they believe that minorities cannot overcome whatever perceived injustices they have without the help of them. They stereotype both white people and minorities because they believe that there is only one American experience from every race, creed, religion, or sex. They also arrogantly believe they understand each of the vantage points because they read the Huffington post.
It’s this type of narcissistic personality disorder that leads these people to stand up and protest so brashly. They’ll shout someone down or beat up anyone who differs in opinion. Even if an individual is just calmly trying explain their reasoning for wanting less government, knights see themselves as the ultimate warrior of truth and justice against evil. This inflated image of themselves and skewered image of their opposition allows them justify any actions taken against their opponents. They are so sure it that these injustices are real and they are the only ones that can stop them, that they will stop at nothing to make sure they are victorius. (That, or they’ll run of their parent’s money and have to get a real job.)
The re-emergence of the democratic platform in the 70’s comes from morons like the ones mentioned above. These white saviors than believe that if they work in government and are awarded more power, their supreme intelligence can right any injustices. Their belief that they are god, paired with their extreme ability to disregard facts and statistics, allows them to believe that a power grab by the US Federal Government is a wonderful occurrence.
The Democratic platform was formed by white knights that you see on today’s college campus’s. They think so highly of themselves and that they are the greatest force of good for the world, that they don’t bother to listen to anyone with differing opinions. Their inability to self-evaluate allows them justify destroying property or hurting people because it allows them to gain control people’s lives. While white knights yelling and protesting is annoying, when they decide to run for office and form a party that believes that government knows best, it is truly horrifying.