Socialism failed in the past because they didn’t have the right people, right? Wrong, socialism and communism have and always will have the same outcomes. The simple reason is the individual or group has to be arrogant enough to think they are god if they want that much control. When they try to play god by controlling everything from wages, prices, taxes, and who gets what, it inevitably leads to failure, chaos, and an eventually dictatorship if that person wants to remain in power.
Before I discuss more about why socialism fails, lets actually see how much it has failed in the world. Leftist have no idea the history of socialism or how many times it has it has truly failed. So, let’s start with good old Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. If you didn’t know who these two were and heard some of their policies, you would swear that it was a United States democrat just trying to help the poor and underprivileged.
We all know what happened to the world after these two-socialist hiked into power but let’s glide on over to the Asian countries and see if they had a little more success. I’m sure they were a little less dictatorial (eye roll). Mao Zedong was a famous socialist, who idolized Stalin, Lenin, and Marx. Sounding similar to Bernie Sanders, he rose to power by fighting for workers’ rights, and organizing a revolution to murder off landowners to give the land to the workers. Once Mr. Zedong rose into power, he organized an agrarian economy which contributed to widespread famine killing between 15 and 45 million people. He also murdered dissidents, and established a controlling government that the people of China still feel the effects of today. Moving over to Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge party, led by Pol Pot was truly brutal. Pol Pot was another product of the school of Marx and decided that if he were just able to have the power in Cambodia, he would be able to help his poor citizens. Mr. Pot did get into power, and assumed a dictatorial role, because he cared so much, and knew the people couldn’t take care of themselves. He forced urban dwellers to work in farms and forced labour projects. He made sure there were no dissidents, and I ask my readers to please read about the Cambodian killing fields. Overall, in just four years, due to his many executions, the poor working conditions, poor medical care, and malnutrition, Pol Pot helped kill of 25% of the Cambodian population (between 1 to 3 million).
There are countless more examples of this. Kum Jung Un’s granddaddy was able to assume a dictatorship over North Korea through the same policies that Obama had. He was supposed to be this caring individual who fought for his workers but again ultimately led to dictatorship. Currently Cuba is living under a socialist regime, not to mention Venezuela’s collapse under dictator Hugo Chavez (Sean Penn’s former lover). In the middle east, Libya, Syria, Iraq all had leaders that started out as socialist who turned into dictators. Please read on Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gadaffi and tell me how much these evil dictators policies don’t sound eerily similar to Bernie or Hillary. There are many many more examples of socialist turned evil dictator that a simple google search will bring up.
The next argument you’ll hear from leftist is, “well if someone tried to become a dictator, we’ll stop them.” The truth is by the time you realize what’s going on, it’s way too late. Do you think that the people of the countries I just described were stupid? No, they suffered the fate because they believed the promise that they can be helped. You appoint a dictator the exact moment you give a person power to tax what they want, control wages and prices, take away guns, and can control how people speak. You can’t have socialism without giving someone all those powers over the people.
The left believes that they are so smart that if you just let them make all the decisions, then a utopia will emerge. That’s how arrogant they are. But the truth is socialism and communism are always evil, even when used with the best intentions.
There’s no morality in taking from one person to give to another and in the end of the day that’s what you are doing. If these people refuse to pay their taxes, you will show up with guns and take their money, which is evil.
Free markets are inherently good. Despite what the left tells you, capitalism doesn’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to. If you don’t want to work at minimum wage, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to make a product, you don’t have to. Capitalism forces people to take care of each other. The fact is that people acting in their own self-interest do more for the world than any government. Your computer, healthcare, cell phone, and pretty much every great luxury the 21st century has to offer you has been provided to you by people trying to make money. These people didn’t steal from you, they provided you with something and you willingly gave them something in return. It was a win-win. Government does not operate that way; it is they can take what they want and don’t have to offer you anything in return.
Please, any rational people out there, when you hear someone say, well I liked Bernie Sanders and he should have won the election. Tell them that even if Bernie truly wanted to help, the system he wants to implement is evil. Then point to the thousands of examples of what happened in the past, and why that will happen in the future!